12 year prayer saint bridget

Saint Bridget of Sweden was a 14th-century mystic and the founder of the Bridgettine Order. She is known for her spiritual visions and writings, which were recorded by her followers. One of her most famous works is the "12 Year Prayer," which is a series of prayers that is said to have been revealed to her by Jesus Christ himself.

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer is a devotional prayer that is said to be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. It consists of 15 prayers that are recited daily for 12 years. According to tradition, those who faithfully recite the 12 Year Prayer will receive a number of spiritual benefits, including the forgiveness of sins, protection from evil, and the grace of a happy death.

The 12 Year Prayer is also said to be a powerful intercessory prayer, meaning that it can be used to ask for God's help and intervention in specific situations. Many people have reported experiencing miraculous healings and other blessings as a result of their devotion to this prayer.

How to Pray the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

To pray the 12 Year Prayer, you will need to recite the following prayers every day for 12 years:

  1. An Our Father
  2. Hail Mary
  3. A Glory Be
  4. O Jesus, now I wish to pray the Lord's Prayer seven times in unity with the love with which You sanctified this prayer in Your Heart. Take it from my lips into Your Divine Heart. Improve and complete it so much that it brings as much honor and joy to the Trinity as You granted it on earth with this prayer. May these pour upon Your Holy Humanity in Glorification to Your Painful Wounds and the Precious Blood that You spilled from them.
  5. O Holy Spirit, take my petition to Jesus. (Here mention your request.) St. Joseph, patron of the departing souls, pray for us. Amen.

It is recommended that you pray the 12 Year Prayer at the same time each day, and that you try to maintain a spirit of devotion and reverence throughout your prayers.

FAQs about 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

What are the benefits of praying the 12 Year Prayer?

According to tradition, those who faithfully recite the 12 Year Prayer will receive a number of spiritual benefits, including the forgiveness of sins, protection from evil, and the grace of a happy death. The 12 Year Prayer is also said to be a powerful intercessory prayer, meaning that it can be used to ask for God's help and intervention in specific situations.

Do I have to pray the 12 Year Prayer for 12 years?

Yes, according to tradition, the 12 Year Prayer must be recited daily for 12 years in order to receive its full spiritual benefits. However, it is also believed that even a partial devotion to this prayer can still be beneficial.

Can anyone pray the 12 Year Prayer?

Yes, anyone can pray the 12 Year Prayer. It is a devotional prayer that is open to all, regardless of their religious background or beliefs.


The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. It is a devotional prayer that is said to bring a number of spiritual benefits to those who recite it faithfully for 12 years. Whether you are seeking forgiveness, protection, or simply a deeper connection with God, the 12 Year Prayer can help you on your spiritual journey.
